Sunday, August 23, 2015

God's Amazing & Saving Grace

God has special grace for your special case.

I have no doubt about this, I am living proof. All I can say is WOW! God, you are beyond amazing, you are so loving and so patient, for this I thank you. 

God's grace is freely given to us. Grace = Undeserved Favor (We have done absolutely nothing to earn this favor or deserve it) on the contrary, we are very undeserving but because of God's love, mercy and grace I am able to share this with you today. 

I wake up surprised and thankful sometimes that God has not struck me to death, that I am still here because I honestly sometimes feel like the worse of the worse of sinners, O wretched man that I am, that which I don't want to do and know not to do, I do. Who can save me? Oh only he can and He will!

You see, the more time you spend with God (in His word & presence) the more He reveals himself and His character to you, not only that but he reveals things to you about yourself that you once thought that they were okay but they may now seem as wrong. Things that you have been through and he has shown you through either an experience or His word which your eyes are now opened and you see things in a whole different light and make the choice to no longer keep on doing things the way you were because you now know better so I am hoping you will want to try to do better. I always say, if you know better, you better do better because you are better than that. 

However, I must be completely transparent with you and tell you that in my experience, unfortunately that has not always been the case and it has not always been easy to make the right choice and choose better because you know better. Sadly, a lot of things play in to this factor and if we are not fully rooted and planted in God's word, (truly abiding and plugged in as John 15 requires of us) when the storm hits we might become extremely weak, fall off or even worse drown in our own consequences from our wrong choices.

God is full of mercy and grace, not so that we can take advantage and continue to dwell in our sin and continue to make the wrong choices but showing us how truly loving and caring He is, how He is nothing like us. How He doesn't give up easily, He doesn't get mad at every wrong, He is not constantly punishing us or condemning us, instead He is constantly pursuing us and chasing us with his relentless love. The undeserving love that we tend to try to run away and hide from because of our wrong doing (just like Adam & Eve did in the garden of Eden in Genesis when they first sinned, they ran and hid because they now knew they were naked) that's us, we now know we did something wrong and instead of repenting and changing our ways we want to run away from God when He is fully chasing us and pursuing us we rather pursue sin? ( it is our sinful nature) don't get discouraged, just be aware as I will be and hold myself accountable. Because yes, granted, we can have a brother, sister, friend, hold us accountable but they are not going to be around 24/7 so who is holding you accountable when you are alone? Only you can hold yourself accountable to God, think about how He feels, think about how much He has loved you and brought you through along the process. 

Just remember, God did not promise we will not be tempted, he said we would be but  He overcame the world and the tempter and because he lives in us we can too. Remember that you will be the most tempted to quit when you are the closest to your calling, word of advise, DON'T. Keep on trying, quitting should not even be an option, we are in this until it is over, after-all, God has given us another chance, another breath, anther day of life, why don't we go out and do something about it? Make it better than yesterday, make it better than yourself, your future self will thank you. 

Much love and peace, 

Glendy xoxo

(This was this past week on my day off went to the doctor's & then spent quality time with God relaxing and reading)

Finally started reading this amazing book "The Best Yes" by Lysa Terkeurst! Can't wait to finish and write a review on it! 

Scriptures referenced / mentioned above:

Ephesians 2:8-9 ; For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Romans 6:14; For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

Romans 7:24; Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Romans 10:17 ; So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. 

John 15:4; Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

Genesis 2:7-8;  then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Do you know who you are?

Lack of Identity will get us into a lot of trouble.. Ever remember being young, growing up and trying to fit in? trying to find some cool friends to hang out with, people who accepted you and wanted to kick it with you? Earlier today I was having a good conversation with a good old friend of mine today on relationships and I decided to speak on the topic of our "Adam" aka our MEN {Head of the household} who needs to be aligned with the word of God or God himself in order to direct us and guide us and them even function properly.

You see I was born in a time where I do not agree with what "the world" is doing. The world is so blind, lost and confused but I believe the root of it is
#1 Men are not following God their creator, refuse to follow Him and His ways.
#2 Are blinded by this world and the lies of the world (what they watch on tv and hear on the radio) about men with multiple women, calling your woman the "B" word.

Things that were not acceptable 100 of years ago. Men have lost so much respect for women, for who they are, what they do, what they sacrifice and even themselves. They are deceived lost, and have no sense of real identity because they choose to deny their creator JESUS CHRIST. It is so sad that men are not being the Kingdom Men they are called to be and not living their lives to their full potential, it really saddens me how men try to run away from their selves, their past, their feelings, their emotions, the needy greedy, the bottom of the bottom. It needs to be spoken about, they are not being the leaders they are called to be.

 Finding a woman to marry is a blessing and a good thing, he who finds a wife finds favor with the Lord. How can men deny their creator? So this is the root of the problem, they have no identity. Therefore, they follow the crowd, follow what the world does and messes women up, mess families up and generations and generations to come.