Jesus has given me everything I am going to need for the rest of my life with Him ❤️ Who am I to think I need to be better? Thank you God. I am sorry for wanting to do things my own way, I surrender and give you full control, Jesus take the wheel 😚😚🙌❤️
I thought I needed to go to school and get a degree because that's what the world will make you think, I also had my dad telling me I was a nobody without a degree and that I would stay getting paid $9 an hour (mind you I get paid $12) & have a Gift and Talent from God that not a lot of people have so I am sometimes able to make some pocket change / extra income besides my full time job. My dad is 61 years old and going to school to get his masters degree which is great and he needs it because he wants to become a CPA. Great for him! I don't need to do that. I want to let him know that at the end of the day none of that knowledge matters or goes to heaven with you all that we take is what we did for Jesus and for others and their salvation here on earth. I wish I could explain that to him but it is so hard because he is so set on the world and the ways of the world but I have made it my mission to prove to him that you do not need a college degree in order to be successful in Christ / Life. This lie the world feeds you of having to chase money to get a house to have a spouse to then have a family raise them work at a job you barely like to pay bills to get by to get through life to then get old and sick and die, are we serious? Where in the world is the good in that? We need to help the world get saved by doing what God has called us to do, the great commission, go, baptize and preach.
Which is why I titled this "Called to make Disciples, who make disciples that make disciples" I have been chosen and really we all have it just takes some longer than others to truly realiZe what the purpose that God has for our lives is. I asked God 10 years ago exactly what my lives purpose was and I know can hear Him answering back. I thank God for the honor and privilege of allowing a sinner like me to proclaim his truth, his way and his life, the only one that can save us and cleanse our filthy souls. You see, our souls are made of a 3 part being just like God. There is our will, our mind & our emotions as well as there is God the father, Jesus the son & the Holy Spirit 3 in 1 aka the Trinity.
Paul tells us in Romans 12:2
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect"
As Prophet Jeremiah tells us in Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."
How can we know what God's plan for our lives are if we have not developed a relationship with Him by reading His Holy bible His living water aka the Word which is alive and keeps us alive. You see, we take for granted the power that has been given to us as children of the most high, we also take for granted the power of our words and how we can speak Great things into existence because all of His power and riches Have been given to us it's just a matter of us positioning ourselves to receive it.
Solomon wrote, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body” (Ecclesiastes 12:12).
Any student who has pulled an all-nighter, crammed for a test, memorized an equation, or pored over a textbook can verify the truth of that statement. Solomon’s point was that there are more important things than simply amassing knowledge—namely, fearing God and obeying Him (verses 13-14).
That is not to say that education is unimportant. In fact, Jesus Himself learned. One of the only things we know of His childhood is that He “grew in wisdom” as He grew “in stature” (Luke 2:52). That is, the Son of God voluntarily put Himself in a position where He needed to assimilate knowledge as a man. Education was part of the process.
Anyhow, I've been struggling so Bad with school I just started again after like 7 years and I thought it would be great because I thought God put it in my heart to do but then realized it was the enemy and a super crazy idea soooooo I'll be Calling school tomorrow to see if dropping the class won't affect me having to pay money back or anything like that. It'll be better to withdraw than have an F on my GPA. None of it was fun for me sad to say very stressful painful hurtful pointless demanishing stupid crazy and totally against Gods will for my life. Very very sad times. Very hurtful and disappointing piercing through my heart. Full of bitterness and regret, ugly times. I have a lot of homework for psychology class & don't even wanna do that but I must finish. Yup I have to be very careful because the enemy is a liar and a deceiver and he can trick us into doing something that's completely out of Gods will for our lives at that point in time. Very upsetting but just shows me that I need to be at the feet of Jesus, I need to graduate from His school first, I need to be a student of Jesus not of the world. I have been gifted with gifts and talents I don't need to sharpen them or add extra or be better or be able to do more. I believe I have all that I need to accomplish his will through me. I just needed to position myself in order to receive it. Amen, 💪 we all have our own gifts and talents . Like that passage I read the other day said "the master is going to question us about what we did for his kingdom using our talents!" Not for the world, not for my mom and dad, not for my boyfriend or my self-knowledge, value, identity or scholarly wisdom. But for God and advancing his kingdom here on earth to my mom, my dad & millions of others in the name of Jesus of Nazareth! No weapon formed against us will ever prosper! My value and identity are found in Christ and His will. Anything outside of that is worthless, meaningless and pointless. Christ is King! 👑 Jesus Over Everything! Us believers we call that J.O.E 🙇