Saturday, April 8, 2017

Being aware is not enough.

What does it take for us to truly do something about a problem? Obviously being aware is not enough. I found out recently that I neglect myself, I don't take care of myself and my basic needs like eating, showering, taking care of my own home, but I am able to take care of everything and everyone else, not great if I may be honest but I do it. However the bible speaks about doing things in excellence so since that is my reference point in the Bible because I chose to follow Christ I am a Christian therefor a follower of Christ therefore I follow what the Bible says I shall be living in excellence, I should be living a life of excellence, everything that I do should be done in excellence. Therefore things done halfway or sort of good or kind of are not good enough, that's not the way that I was called to live so I just wanted to share with you that knowing the problem is not good enough we must act on it and do something to change it to take the steps into making a difference so that things can be different.


I have been trying to take better care of myself, my eating and health now I just pray I keep it up :)
I also posted my first live youtube video for my channel! so excited I will share the link and start posting once a week God willing, Now off to edit photos I go ;)

Love, peace & blessings!