Saturday, July 29, 2017

Trusting God in the Quiet / Silent Seaons

As I thought about what to write I guess there is no better thing to talk about than my current season. In quiet seasons we may question where is God, but haven't you noticed that during the tests the teacher is always quiet? That's what this season has felt like, bunch of trials and testing to make sure that my faith is genuine and pure and I am okay with that because I know that I know that I know that my GOD will not allow anything to come my way that I cannot handle so I strap my boots up, pick my chin up high and continue on this journey as this too shall pass my dear friends.

You see if we are not tested how can we be strengthened? How can we have a testimony if WE didn't go through something? GOD IS ABLE! He will see you through it! As long as we keep our eyes and our faith fixed on Him we must know that He will bring us through it! Trust and have faith in the one who enlisted you!Stay encouraged and stay faithful !!

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